1) Ask the buyer what his or her concerns are. Is it product-related (pricing, margins, packaging)? Is it an issue of timing or the wrong buying cycle? Is it concerns about the category? Is it because of insufficient marketing support?
2) LISTEN. You’d be surprised how many companies/vendors fail to listen to the reasons given by a buyer. Instead of being defensive or trying to argue or change the buyers mind right then and there, just pause and listen.
3) Ask for permission to get back to them after you’ve investigated their feedback. A buyer will be interested to know if you are able to come back with a solution to the concerns they articulated.
4) When the moment is right and if you are able to do it, offer a guaranteed sale. This means offering to take back your inventory at your expense if it doesn’t sell. This shows tremendous confidence in your product line.
5) Sweeten the deal: Offer them a unique assortment not found elsewhere. In other words, extend a limited time exclusivity on a special color, design, pack size, packaging, etc.