We are proud of our client satisfaction ratings and client retention rates. But don't take our word for it, see for yourself!
“Thanks to Vanessa’s help, I was able to land QVC...and I sold out in 7 minutes on my first trip out...
...And most recently, I revamped her Pitch Deck for Walmart to Ralph’s, and I am their NEWEST VENDOR!”
“Vanessa is an outstanding retail expert. If you are thinking of getting your product into retail distribution channels, call Vanessa first. She is extremely knowledgable and speaks a lot of common sense. A++”
“Vanessa Ting’s Retailer Pitch Deck is a powerful sell-in story that quickly captures the buyer’s attention. With the Pitch Deck she created for BooginHead, we were able to secure meetings with the Target and Walmart buyers. The Pitch Deck convinced Walmart that it made good business sense to put us in their stores. And in a matter of a few short months, BooginHead gained distribution in 500 Walmart stores across the U.S. with the opportunity to increase store counts in the future!”
“I took the presentation Vanessa helped me build to retailers and they have been blown away with the detail and industry knowledge that Vanessa helped me gain. She organized my presentation so that it speaks to the retailer. Vanessa is among the top investments I made in my company and I highly recommend her!”
“I met with the buyer at Sport Chalet and he was blown away by the Retailer Pitch Deck presentation. He said he was going to prop it on his boss’s keyboard. ”
“I just wanted to say thank you again for your help [preparing us for ECRM]. The retail buyers really responded and I’m actually shocked at the response we received. We were voted 2014 Best New Product [at ECRM Suncare] and CVS came back to see us a second time.”
"I can't tell how valuable my time with Vanessa has been and continues to be...That was the best money I've ever spent."
“If you need help landing Target or other regional/national chains, I would absolutely consider hiring Vanessa Ting. She is AMAZING. I spent an hour with her the other day and her input is just so right on and insightful – not only for Target but ALL retailers. She uses catch phrases that just scream “retailer talk” and has the ability to anticipate what the buyer is thinking. For us to be able to phrase our pitch and present our line in a way that is compelling and credible to retailers is so beneficial. I truly see Vanessa as a great investment of our time and money.”
“The Retailer Sales Sheet was a catchy one sheet that made the business case for us. And having the marketing plan available was very important because retailers wanted to understand how we intended to drive the business to the stores once we are on shelf.
We felt like we were the brand to meet [at ECRM]. All of the retailers totally got our business case. They were really receptive. In fact I am getting setup with Walgreens in anticipation of going on the POG in February 2015!
We couldn’t have done it without you. ”
“Dear Vanessa: I really think you are awesome. To be blunt, there are SO many consultants and firms that don’t really deliver. Whether I hear from these retailers and get a deal isn’t in your control, but you deliver on what you say you will do (and well I might add), and that is very much appreciated. ”
“Vanessa is amazing. She is so knowledgeable about the retail field and the big players. She knows what it takes to be successful and shares her knowledge in a friendly and easy to understand manner. Worth any time or money spent - tenfold.”
“After reading through the information you have supplied {Retailer Pitch Deck], my interest level is pretty high on this product.”
“We would love to try this in our stores and place on our online shop.”